
We are a team of entrepreneurs, engineers and physicians at the forefront of medical practice transformation and AI-augmented care.

Alexandre Lebrun

Alexandre Lebrun

Co-founder & CEO

  • Head of Engineering @ Facebook AI Research
  • CEO @ (Facebook), VirtuOz (Nuance)
  • X - Telecom
Delphine Groll

Delphine Groll

Co-founder & COO

  • Head of Business Dev and Comms @ aufeminin @ MyLittleParis
  • Founder of Gretel
  • Government (Elysée)
  • IEP - ENS Ulm
Martin Raison

Martin Raison

Co-founder & CTO

  • Engineer @ Facebook AI Research
  • (Facebook)
  • X - Stanford
Laurent Landowski

Laurent Landowski

Chief Product Officer

  • PM Lead @ Facebook ( & M)
  • Co-founder @ (Facebook), VirtuOz (Nuance)
  • Centrale Lille
Ed Lee, MD, MPH

Ed Lee, MD, MPH

Chief Medical Officer

  • Board-certified, internal medicine physician
  • Director of Clinical Informatics at California Northern State University
  • Former CIO at The Permanente Federation
Andrew Lundquist, DPM

Andrew Lundquist, DPM

Clinical Director

  • Podiatrist, foot and ankle surgeon
  • Chief Medical Officer at Mankato Clinic
  • Chief Innovation Officer at Stratum Med


Recognized experts in healthcare and AI

Yann LeCun

Yann LeCun

  • VP & Chief AI Scientist at Meta
  • Recipient of the 2018 ACM Turing Award
  • Founding Director of FAIR and of the NYU Center for Data Science
Megan Mahoney, MD

Megan Mahoney, MD

  • Family Physician, Professor and Chair at UCSF Department of Family and Community Medicine
  • Previously President of the Medical Staff at Stanford Health Care
  • Former Chief of Primary Care at Stanford Health Care
Haipeng (Mark) Zhang DO, MMSc, FAMIA

Haipeng (Mark) Zhang DO, MMSc, FAMIA

  • Medical Director of the Digital Innovation Hub at Brigham and Women’s Hospital
  • Founder and co-creator of the Palliative Care Fast Facts app, Co-founder of Cake, Founder and first president of ACIF
  • Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School
Claire Le Jeunne, MD

Claire Le Jeunne, MD

  • Head of the Internal Medicine Department @ Hopital Cochin, AP-HP
  • Professor of Medicine & Therapeutics
Philippe Ravaud, MD

Philippe Ravaud, MD

  • Head of the Epidemiology Department @ Hopital Hôtel-Dieu, AP-HP
  • Professor of Epidemiology
  • Founder of the ComPaRe research project